Thursday, January 4, 2007

Fall 2007 Applications Increase Dramatically

In the President's Insider Baylor Weekly Newsletter of December 8, 2006, there was encouraging information about applications for the Fall of 2007. This shows that the steps taken in implementing Baylor 2012 are attracting more and better students to apply to Baylor. It should be further noted that the increase noted here was over a year where unprecedented numbers of students applied. Thus roughly 15,000 applied for the class entering in the Fall of 2005 and more than 22,000 applied the following year for the class entering the Fall of 2006. That makes the 18.6 percent increase all the more impressive. The newsletter reported:
Recruiting and Admission Report

Interest in a Baylor education remains strong. As of Friday December 1, Baylor had received 14,474 applications for the fall of 2007, an 18.6% increase compared to the same Friday last year. Baylor changed the admission process this year to admit students in three groups: two early action groups and a regular decision group.

Applications started by October 24 and finished by November 6 were considered for admission in the first early action group and received notification December 1. There were 3,030 students with an average SAT of 1266 and ACT above 27 accepted for admission in the first early action group.
The complete newsletter containing this may be found here: NEWSLETTER HERE

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