Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Baylor English Professor Wins Presigious Award

The Baylor website has reported that Dr. Richard R. Russell, assistant professor of English will receive the 2007 Achievement Award for New Scholars in Humanities and Fine Arts from the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS).

Excerpts from the online article follow, and at the end is a link to the full article on Baylor's website. It begins with a quote from the recipient:
"I am thrilled to receive this award and hope it brings glory to God, who led me to Baylor some six years ago," Russell said. "Various administrators at Baylor have encouraged my scholarship and provided me release time from teaching in the form of a reduced teaching load, summer sabbaticals and one full semester sabbatical so that I might do my research and writing. I would like to thank the former and current members of the outstanding Baylor English department for their encouragement. I especially am grateful to Dr. Robert Ray, graduate chair of English, who nominated me to represent the Baylor English department, and to my chair, Maurice Hunt, and colleague, Joe Fulton, who wrote letters of recommendation on my behalf for this award."

Dr. Larry Lyon, dean of The Graduate School at Baylor, recently expressed his congratulations to Russell and the English department for this achievement.

"This award goes to the best young scholar who is typically from one of the best universities in the south--a large geographic area stretching from Virginia to Florida to Texas," he said. "In the years that I have been graduate dean, UT-Austin is the only other school in the state to have a faculty member win this award. The award in the humanities is only presented every four years, so the number of potential nominees is in the thousands."
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Russell agreed. "I think this award suggests strongly how Baylor's continuing emphasis on excellence in both research and teaching is resulting in national recognition for its faculty," he said.
This article shows that the commitments made to faculty members to help them achieve research goals is real, and has produced top notch results. Another step well taken towards the Baylor 2012 goals!

The full article may be found here: Professor Wins Award

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